Wednesday, April 28, 2010


As I finish up my blogging journey for my class I have learn that I am not a fan a blogging. But this is a good network to use to get the work out about certain topics. But to write on here everyday it not for me! It has been interesting posting and learning how to do it along with getting feedback from others.

Thanks for ready my blogs and hopefully you learn a little bit more emergency management.

Medical kit part 2

I have decided to post the second part of the medical kit video because I thought it was interesting all the stuff they can fit into such a small space!


FEMA is a government ran program it stands for Federal Emergency management Agency...They help at the federal level with grants and over seeing and declaring what is a disaster place if a tornado has hit a certain area the governor calls FEMA they come and look at the damage and they say if it is a disaster country if so the people that live within the that area they get grant money to help with the damage. But the person has to apply for it.

Incident Command post

The picture above is an example of a Incident Command post. This is like a temporary head quarters for emergency managers to work out of when a emergency has happen. The inside of these vehicles are just like a camper but it is a conference room on wheels. By having these types of vehicles they are able to communicate, observe the damage and be able to conduct teams and tell them where they need to go.

Emergencies......The meaning of the word:

When you think of the word emergency what word comes to mind?

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Hurricane Katrina disaster relief experience

Spring break 2009 I had the opportunity to experience New Orleans after the Hurricane Katrina. I got to meet families that are still living in FEMA trailers still to this day waiting for their new home to be built. The only was homes are going to be re built from the hurricane is by volunteers that come in a work for a week or so. This was a mission trip we worked with the New Orleans disaster relief team! I have learned through this experience by talking with the people that went through the disaster and how interesting it is sitting there listening to what they have to say about the hurricane!

Each house that has to be at least 7 mounting block high off the ground prevent flooding
My team and the family we build home for. We set the foundation!

Emergency training experience through Northwest

Northwest offers a training from people interested in emergency management or just wanting to know what all the excitement is all about . I have gone through the Atlantica HOPE training in March 2009 and went back this year at a student mentor we have had over 5o students go through this training. You learn how to negotiate, working as a leader and as a team and also get to be out in the field while the disaster is unfolding. You a lot about yourself when you go through this four day intense training in Indian River state college in Florida!

Chopper at work!
student roll play as victims of a disaster. Us the trainees going through the simulation learn first aid and how to apply the skills in the field!

Life flight taking a student that role plays on a hot run!