Sunday, April 25, 2010

U.N. News Centre, 2010 January 17. Rescuers still finding survivors

in Haiti U.N. reports.” The news article explains how search and rescue teams are using different ways of trying to find victims that are still in need of being found alive. The ways that are being used to find victims in the rebel are included but not limited to: Over 40 teams – comprising nearly 1,800 rescue workers and more than 160 dogs – are working tirelessly under difficult circumstances after the 7.0 magnitude tremors, which the UN estimates has destroyed 10 per cent of the buildings in the hardest-hit city, the capital, Port-au-Prince, leaving 300,000 people homeless. Another unique way is technically Facebook and Twitter are new and upcoming ways of find people alive because the victims can easily access this from their phones. In my thesis I think that technically helps in good ways when it comes to crisis

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